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Brandon-SD-WTP expansion

Water Treatment Plant Expansion – Brandon, South Dakota

About the Project

The City of Brandon has been experiencing steady growth, which has increased the demand for water from the City’s current WTP. Planning for continued growth the City worked with AE2S to evaluate expansion alternatives and also consider the softening treatment.

The City ultimately made the decision to double the WTP capacity, with a 2,000 gpm expansion, and to include the addition of softening with the use of Reverse Osmosis (RO). The WTP expansion includes aeration and detention for iron removal, gravity filtration with IMAR media for radium removal, and disinfection using chlorine. In addition, half of the water will be treated with RO with the goal of reducing the treated water hardness by 50-percent.

Project Details

Date: 2021 – Present

Client: City of Brandon

Key Project Elements
  • Softening through Reverse Osmosis
  • Gravity Filtration with IMAR
  • Media for Radium Removal
  • Iron Removal

Improving Water Treatment Capacity

The design of the WTP expansion was successfully completed in early 2022 with construction currently in progress and planned completion in January 2025.

The City of Brandon’s continues to show a focus on providing high quality water to the growing community while also taking the opportunity to improve water quality with the addition of softening treatment to their WTP.

Home » AE2S Project News » Brandon South Dakota Water Treatment Plant Expansion

Brandon South Dakota Water Treatment Plant Expansion