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Building Sustainable Communities: AE2S’ Framework for Resilience and Enhanced Quality of Life

At AE2S, sustainability is a framework of knowledge and actions that we use to build strong communities, promote resiliency, and enhance the lives of both our employees and our clients.

For more information about what sustainability means to us, contact

Ways We Incorporate Sustainability as a Company

Extreme client service is at the core of what we do. Integrating sustainability into our project deliverables means being committed to designs that enhance infrastructure and reduce impacts to the environment in the form of increased efficiency and resiliency. Examples of sustainable project components include:
  • Water reuse to reduce impacts of water usage for industry and municipalities
  • Enhanced water reliability to build resilient municipalities and communities
  • Optimization of conveyance and treatment services to reduce dependency on chemicals and energy
  • Incorporating Renewable Energy components into our projects while also identifying funding that allows clients to make those Renewable Energy investments without an associated financial burden
  • Energy efficiencies to help municipalities save cost and save energy