AE2S is Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services

100% Employee-Owned Company

We are proud to be 100% Employee-Owned. It is an extension of our mission - Empowering People. Enhancing Lives. We all share in the opportunities and responsibilities to support the success of our clients, our communities, and each other. As Employee-Owners, we also share in the benefit of that success.

Grant Meyer


AE2S ESOP - Grant Quote Image
ESOP - Contributing Success icon

Together, We Contribute to the Success of the Firm and Each Other

ESOP - Taking Care of Clients icon

Making Our Clients Successful Makes Us Successful

ESOP - Strengthen Local Communities icon

As an ESOP, We Strengthen the Local Communities in Which We Live and Work

What Does This Mean for You?

What Does This Mean - You Pay infographic
What Does This Mean - You Contribute infographic
What Does This Mean - You Realize infographic
*Employee-Owners have more than twice the average total retirement balance of Americans nationally. (Wiefek, Nancy, Nicholson, Nathan. (December 2018). ESOPs and Retirement Security.)

AE2S truly makes a difference in the lives of employees and the communities they serve. The ESOP rewards Employee-Owners for their contributions to the company's success.

AE2S Careers - Cody Quote Image

Cody Schuler

Senior Communications Coordinator

  Did You Know?

An employee may expect to see a 4.5x to 5x return on their shares over a 20-year period.**

**Based on historical performance and projected growth.