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Ken-Caryl Ranch Water System Improvements and PRV Replacements

Ken-Caryl Water System Improvements and PRV Replacements

Littleton, Colorado

Project Overview

Ken-Caryl Ranch Water and Sanitation District retained AE2S to complete a condition assessment of 29 pressure reducing valves and one 16-inch altitude valve that are contained in buried vaults throughout the system. The assessment consisted of field investigations of the vaults to evaluate the condition of the pipe and fittings, identify structural repairs required for the vaults, determine whether isolation valves require replacement, and a review of parameters for each valve to accurately specify the operational features that each need to optimize the performance of the water system.

Ken-Caryl Ranch Water System Improvements and PRV Replacements

Evaluation Checklist

A checklist for each vault was prepared to accurately document the condition of the asset. Specifically, the size of the valve and the presence and size of a bypass valve were documented along with inlet and outlet pressures, inlet and outlet pipe size, pipe material, and related appurtenances. The dimensions of each vault were documented, and the condition of the access hatch, steps, sump, and concrete ceiling, floor, and walls. The presence of water in the vault was also noted, and the condition of the pavement and exterior of the vault was evaluated. Photos were included to provide visual information to support the conclusions of the assessment and corresponding recommendations.

The findings were summarized in a Preliminary Design Summary of Findings and Recommendations for Improvements along with digital mapping information, photo documentation, and opinions of probable cost. Based on the results of the evaluation, the District authorized AE2S to proceed with the preparation of plans and specifications and updated opinions of probably cost to proceed with bidding. The project is scheduled for bid in late 2021, with construction anticipated in 2022.

Project Details

Date: 2022 – present

Client: Ken-Caryl Ranch WSD

Key Project Elements
  • Performed a Condition Assessment of 29 Pressure Reducing Valves and One 16-inch Altitude Valve that Serves a 2 MG Potable Water Storage Tank
  • Project included engineering services for design development of bid documents (drawings and specifications), bidding, and construction contract administration and inspection services.
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Ken-Caryl Water System Improvements and PRV Replacements